Open Rate $7.10 per column inch classifieds • $7.70 per column inch full color display ads
1/4 page ($236.25), 31 1/2″ to 64″ $7.50 per column inch full color
1/2 page ($447.30), 63″ to 127″ $7.10 per column inch full color
Full page ($786.90), 128″ to 512″ $6.10 per column inch full color
Front page includes full color $825.00
Back page includes full color $800.00
Business Directory $90 per spot for 6 months (2″ x 1-1/4)(Average $3.46/wk) full color

The front page is reserved on a first come first serve basis.

Publication Date:
Deadline for copy is the preceding Tuesday at 5 p.m.  Northland Trading Post is printed on Wednesday (files sent to our printer at noon) and is mailed on Fridays.

Insert Charge:
Inserts (flyers) are charged by weight to within 1/10 ounce. Folding, if necessary, is extra. Contact the office for cost. To meet U.S. and Canadian mailing requirements, “Supplement to Northland Trading Post” must appear on insert matter, and if to be mailed in Canada, you must have “Printed in the U.S.A.” in 7.5 point or larger type.

Full Color:


No additional charge. We use digital, but can use your color or black/white pictures

Mechanical Requirements:

Northland Trading Post page is full size 10.49″ wide by 21.50″ deep.

  • 1 column = 1.606″ wide
  • 2 column = 3.397″ wide
  • 3 column = 5.165″ wide
  • 4 column = 6.952″ wide
  • 5 column = 8.712″ wide
  • 6 column = 10.498″ wide. 7/16″ between columns, 6 columns per page.
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